Ambassadors for:

We are proud to be ambassadors for:

Mantus Anchors
Our best friend…A reliable anchor, AKA “The Sleeping Pill”. Mantus Anchors are an example of a modern design anchor with outstanding holding power. After a summer trip in 2014 and dragging one too many times with a different style of anchor, we look forward to sailing around the world with our 65 lb Mantus Anchor.

The sleeping pill of anchors! Visit


The most advanced Crew Finder Network
for Sailboats and Powerboats

Xterraboards  and XterraSurf


Donor: Renewable technology developments inc.

Christian is a Certified Technician for Spectra Watermakers!!!

1 thought on “Ambassadors for:

  1. Ellen & Seth

    So glad you guys are Mantus Ambassadors too!! We’ve had such good experiences with our anchors this summer, including 60 knot williwaws in the Queen Charlotte Islands… Didn’t budge once! You’ll be stoked on yours after about one night 🙂
    On a different note, I’m getting back in touch with people now that my internet connection is more consistent and really looking forward to catching up with your blog!

    Liked by 1 person


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